Friday, February 13, 2009

Blog or Job? Vancouver Bus Driver Fired over Blog

Yesterday, Vancouver bus driver Michael Cox got fired for publishing a blog that describes his day-to-day experiences on the job. Now he has no blog and no job.
“The company recently became aware of your Internet blog entitled ‘Short Turns,’ ” Coast Mountain wrote Cox.
“Some of the information was offensive and negative about or towards the corporation.”
An one single post could not harm the business but the reaction of Translink.
There are advantages that Translink can harness employees' blog for PR purpose. However, how Translink handle the situation was quite bad. When an employee gets into the company, did Translink clearly state the E-policy to him? As an employee, you better know what you can (can't) post online. In addition, employers should give a second chance to employees who violated the E-policy.
In this situation, if they communicate with Michael Cox of what is expecting to be done, it could be used as a viral marketing to attract people joining Translink.


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